In the world of event marketing and promotion, standees cardboard cutouts have emerged as a powerful tool for grabbing attention and enhancing engagement. These versatile and visually striking displays can make a significant impact, whether you’re hosting a trade show, a product launch, or any other type of event. At SparshMedia, we understand the importance of effective event materials, and this blog will guide you through the strategic use of standees cardboard cutouts to maximize your event’s success.


Events are a prime opportunity to showcase your brand, engage with your audience, and create memorable experiences. Among the many tools available for event promotion, standees cardboard cutouts stand out for their ability to combine visual appeal with functional versatility. Whether used to capture attention, convey information, or create interactive experiences, standees can enhance the effectiveness of your event materials. In this blog, we’ll explore the power of standees cardboard cutouts and how you can leverage them to maximize your event’s impact.


This blog delves into the various aspects of standees cardboard cutouts, including their types, roles, and practical applications. We’ll discuss how attention and engagement standees can be used effectively, provide insights into designing impactful standees, and offer tips on measuring their effectiveness. By understanding and utilizing these tools, you can elevate your event and make a lasting impression on your audience.

Understanding Standees

Standees cardboard cutouts are large, freestanding displays made from lightweight yet sturdy cardboard. They are designed to attract attention and convey messages in a visually engaging way. Standees can feature images, graphics, or text and are often used in various settings, including trade shows, exhibitions, retail spaces, and promotional events.

Types of Standees

  1. Cut-Out Standees: These are life-sized or scaled images of people, characters, or objects cut out from cardboard. They are often used to create photo opportunities or to promote celebrities and mascots.
  2. Flat Standees: These are printed with images or graphics on a flat surface. They are ideal for conveying information or promoting products and services.
  3. 3D Standees: These have a three-dimensional element, such as a product or logo that extends out from the base, adding depth and visual interest.
  4. Interactive Standees: These include elements that encourage interaction, such as QR codes, touch points, or augmented reality features, to engage attendees more deeply.

The Role of Attention Standees

Attention standees are designed primarily to capture the interest of passersby. Their primary role is to stand out and draw people in, making them an essential component of any event where visibility is crucial.

  • Visual Appeal: Attention standees often feature bold colors, eye-catching graphics, and dynamic designs to immediately grab attention.
  • Strategic Placement: Positioning these standees in high-traffic areas ensures maximum visibility and increases the chances of capturing the interest of your target audience.

The Role of Engagement Standees

Engagement standees go beyond just attracting attention; they are designed to interact with the audience and encourage participation.

  • Interactive Features: These standees might include elements like QR codes, games, or touch-sensitive areas that invite attendees to engage with the content.
  • Value Addition: By offering something of value, such as a discount code or a freebie, engagement standees can enhance the overall event experience and drive further action.

Practical Applications of Engagement and Attention Standees

  • Trade Shows: Use attention standees at the entrance and high-traffic areas to draw visitors to your booth. Complement them with engagement standees that offer interactive experiences or exclusive offers.
  • Retail Spaces: Place attention standees cardboard cutouts in-store to promote new products or special offers. Engage customers with standees that feature interactive elements or loyalty rewards.
  • Product Launches: Create excitement with attention standees that highlight key features of your new product. Follow up with engagement standees that encourage social media sharing or provide exclusive content.

Designing Effective Standees

  1. Know Your Audience: Tailor your standee design to the preferences and interests of your target audience. Consider their demographics, interests, and what will most appeal to them.
  2. Keep It Simple: Effective standee designs communicate their message clearly and quickly. Avoid cluttering the design with too much information; instead, focus on a strong visual message.
  3. Use High-Quality Images: Ensure that the images and graphics used in your standees are high-resolution and professionally designed to maintain visual appeal.
  4. Incorporate Branding: Consistently use your brand colors, fonts, and logo to reinforce your brand identity and make your standees instantly recognizable.
  5. Ensure Durability: Choose high-quality cardboard and printing materials to ensure that your standees withstand the event environment and continue to look professional throughout.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Standees

  1. Track Engagement: Use tracking mechanisms such as QR codes or unique discount codes to measure how many people interacted with your engagement standees.
  2. Collect Feedback: Gather feedback from attendees regarding their experience with the standees. 
  3. Evaluate Traffic: Assess the increase in traffic to your booth or event space as a result of the attention standees. Compare this with previous events to gauge effectiveness.
  4. Analyze Sales Data: For retail events, analyze sales data before, during, and after the event to determine if there was an increase in sales linked to the standees.

What are the different types of standees and how do they differ in functionality?

Standees, also known as cardboard cutouts or display stands, come in various types, each serving different purposes and offering distinct functionalities. Here’s an overview of the different types of standees cardboard cutouts and how they differ in functionality:

1. Flat Standee:

Functionality: Flat standees are two-dimensional displays printed on cardboard or other materials. They are typically used for promotional purposes, such as advertising a product, event, or campaign. They often feature high-resolution graphics and can be designed in various shapes and sizes. Use Cases: Retail promotions, movie advertisements, product launches, and event announcements.

2. Cutout Standee:

Functionality: Cutout standees are designed with precise cutouts to follow the shape of the subject, whether it’s a person, mascot, or product. These standees are eye-catching and create a more interactive experience as they mimic real-life figures or objects. Use Cases: Celebrity endorsements, character promotions, themed events, and interactive marketing.

3. Pop-Up Standee:

Functionality: Pop-up standees are designed to be easily assembled and disassembled. They often include a mechanism that allows the standee to “pop up” into its full shape, making them convenient for temporary displays and events. They are usually made from lightweight materials and are portable. Use Cases: Trade shows, exhibitions, temporary events, and on-the-go promotions.

4. Roll-Up Standee (Roll-Up Banner):

Functionality: Roll-up standees are retractable banners that can be easily rolled up into a compact base for storage and transportation. They are made from durable materials like vinyl or polyester and are ideal for creating a professional display with minimal setup. Use Cases: Conferences, trade shows, seminars, and presentations.

5. Floor Standee:

Functionality: Floor standees are designed to be placed directly on the ground and often feature a base that keeps them stable. They are typically larger and more robust, making them suitable for high-traffic areas where they need to attract attention from a distance. Use Cases: Retail stores, event entrances, lobbies, and public spaces.

6. Double-Sided Standee:

Functionality: Double-sided standees are printed on both sides, allowing them to be visible from different angles. This type is useful in locations where the standee will be viewed from both directions, maximizing its visibility and impact. Use Cases: Mall corridors, trade show aisles, and busy event venues.

7. Tabletop Standee:

Functionality: Tabletop standees are small, often placed on tables or counters. They are used to promote products, provide information, or enhance the decor of a space. Despite their smaller size, they can still be highly effective in capturing attention. Use Cases: Restaurant tables, retail counters, trade show tables, and event registration desks.

8. Freestanding Standee:

Functionality: Freestanding standees are designed with a sturdy base that allows them to stand on their own without additional support. They are often larger and more visually impactful, making them suitable for high-visibility locations. Use Cases: Store entrances, exhibition halls, and large event spaces.

9. Interactive Standee:

Functionality: Interactive standees incorporate elements that engage the audience, such as QR codes, touch screens, or movable parts. They are designed to create a more engaging and immersive experience for the viewer. Use Cases: Technology demonstrations, interactive advertising campaigns, and experiential marketing.

10. Backlit Standee:

Functionality: Backlit standees include built-in lighting elements that illuminate the graphics from behind. This enhances visibility, especially in low-light environments, and creates a striking visual effect. Use Cases: Nighttime events, dimly lit retail spaces, and exhibitions.

How do attention standees differ from engagement standees in terms of their roles and uses?

Attention standees and engagement standees serve distinct roles in marketing and event contexts, each designed to achieve specific goals. Here’s how they differ in terms of their roles and uses:

Attention Standees:

Role: Attention standees are primarily designed to capture the viewer’s attention quickly. Their main goal is to make a strong first impression and draw people’s focus towards a particular product, event, or message.


  1. Visual Impact: Attention standees are often bold, eye-catching, and strategically placed to maximize visibility. They use vibrant colors, large graphics, and prominent messaging to stand out.
  2. Placement: They are typically positioned in high-traffic areas or entry points where they can easily catch the eye of passersby.
  3. Design: The design is usually straightforward and direct, aimed at grabbing attention rather than providing extensive information.


  1. Retail Environments: To highlight sales, promotions, or new arrivals.
  2. Event Entrances: To make an impactful introduction and guide attendees to the event area.
  3. Public Spaces: To create general awareness or attract people to a specific area or campaign.

Engagement Standees:

Role: Engagement standees are designed to foster interaction and create a deeper connection with the audience. Their primary objective is to engage viewers and encourage them to interact with the standee or its associated message.


  1. Interactive Elements: Engagement standees often include interactive components such as QR codes, touch screens, or physical features that invite participation.
  2. Informative Content: They may provide more detailed information or require the audience to perform an action, such as scanning a code for additional content or participating in a promotion.
  3. Design: The design often incorporates elements that encourage viewers to engage, such as call-to-action prompts, games, or interactive displays.


  1. Trade Shows and Exhibitions: To encourage visitors to interact with the standee and learn more about products or services.
  2. Marketing Campaigns: To drive engagement through activities like contests, surveys, or interactive promotions.
  3. Event Activities: To involve attendees in activities or provide a memorable experience that relates to the event theme.


Standees cardboard cutouts are a versatile and impactful tool for enhancing your event’s visibility and engagement. By understanding the different types of standees and their roles, and by carefully designing and strategically placing them, you can maximize their effectiveness. At SparshMedia, we specialize in creating high-quality standees that help you make a lasting impression. Embrace the power of standees cardboard cutouts to elevate your events and achieve your marketing goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are standees cardboard cutouts and how can they be used at events?

Standees cardboard cutouts are large, freestanding displays made from cardboard. They are used to attract attention, promote products or services, and engage with attendees through interactive elements.

2. What types of standees are available and how do they differ?

Types include cut-out standees (life-sized images), flat standees (printed with graphics), 3D standees (with dimensional elements), and interactive standees (with features like QR codes).

3. How can attention standees help in increasing event visibility?

Attention standees use bold designs and strategic placement to draw people in, ensuring high visibility and increased foot traffic to your booth or event area.

4. What are some examples of engagement standees and how do they work?

Engagement standees may include interactive features such as QR codes for special offers or games that encourage attendees to participate and interact with the display.

5. How should I design an effective standee for my event?

Focus on a clear message, high-quality images, consistent branding, and durability. Tailor the design to your audience and keep it simple and visually appealing.

6. How can I measure the success of my standees at an event?

Measure engagement through tracking codes, collect feedback from attendees, evaluate increased traffic, and analyze related sales data to gauge effectiveness.

7. What materials are best for creating durable standees?

High-quality cardboard and professional printing materials ensure that your standees remain in good condition throughout the event and look professional.

8. Can standees be used for both indoor and outdoor events?

Yes, but outdoor standees should be made from weather-resistant materials to withstand various environmental conditions.