The first impression of any print is decided by its color only. But in some cases, even the lack of colors can be a bold statement. This is the reason you should put you time and thought into how you want colors to 

Color Systems

There are two “color systems” in stationery printing and having an understanding about both will help you in making a choice. 

If we talk about the cost of printing in the old days, it was of course cheaper  to print stationery in 1 or 2 colors chosen from the Pantone system, but printing in full color was always a more expensive option.

If in case you require an exact matching, you should discuss the use of a Pantone color with the printer as an option instead.

 Pantone colors can be specified in addition to using a 4-colour process. 

It is considered effective to use full color in your design from the outset, so you have the option to reproduce photographic imagery or complex blends of color.

A Pantone number in mind as a benchmark can be a good starting point. Anyway, later it can be converted into CMYK to make it suitable for 4-color process printing. 

 Another more cost-effective option is maybe to consider the use of digital print to obtain a close Pantone match.